The weapon and its ammunition can be somewhat cumbersome.
Laser-guided mode and heat-seeking mode can be spoofed or decoyed.
Very large and very armored vehicles may be impervious to the HEAT rounds.
Most modern starfighters can outlast its missiles or outright outrun them.
The missiles are large and they are required for the weapon to be of any offensive use.
When struck, most starfighters and dropships will fall from the sky.
Man-portable, this weapon can be fired from anywhere so long as its trigger can be pulled.
Fast enough to strike gunships and dropships or intercept some starfighters on attack runs.
Can be set to two guidance modes or a non-guided mode.
Long-ranged motors are smokeless and do not possess a back-blast, so they can be fired in concealment.
Provides any soldier the ability to deliver a heavy blow against even the heaviest armor or a large group of infantry.
Missiles can fire in either a laser-guided mode, a lock-on-after-launch mode, a heat-seeking mode, or a ballistic mode.
Two-part weapon, with self-contained single-rocket loads being the actual munitions which is inserted and then twisted to lock into place with the main firing component which possesses a two-part grip and an optic which has three visual settings (Normal vision, thermal, and IR).
Ammunition Type: Guided Missiles (Three different warheads: High Explosive (Anti-Infantry/Anti-Structure), High Explosive Dual-Purpose (Anti-Structure/Anti-Light Armor), High Explosive Anti-Tank (Anti-Armor)).