Rps 6 rocket launcher
Rps 6 rocket launcher

  • The weapon and its ammunition can be somewhat cumbersome.
  • Laser-guided mode and heat-seeking mode can be spoofed or decoyed.
  • Very large and very armored vehicles may be impervious to the HEAT rounds.
  • Most modern starfighters can outlast its missiles or outright outrun them.
  • The missiles are large and they are required for the weapon to be of any offensive use.
  • When struck, most starfighters and dropships will fall from the sky.
  • rps 6 rocket launcher rps 6 rocket launcher rps 6 rocket launcher

  • Man-portable, this weapon can be fired from anywhere so long as its trigger can be pulled.
  • Fast enough to strike gunships and dropships or intercept some starfighters on attack runs.
  • Can be set to two guidance modes or a non-guided mode.
  • Long-ranged motors are smokeless and do not possess a back-blast, so they can be fired in concealment.
  • Provides any soldier the ability to deliver a heavy blow against even the heaviest armor or a large group of infantry.
  • Missiles can fire in either a laser-guided mode, a lock-on-after-launch mode, a heat-seeking mode, or a ballistic mode.
  • Two-part weapon, with self-contained single-rocket loads being the actual munitions which is inserted and then twisted to lock into place with the main firing component which possesses a two-part grip and an optic which has three visual settings (Normal vision, thermal, and IR).
  • Ammunition Type: Guided Missiles (Three different warheads: High Explosive (Anti-Infantry/Anti-Structure), High Explosive Dual-Purpose (Anti-Structure/Anti-Light Armor), High Explosive Anti-Tank (Anti-Armor)).
  • Classification: Man-Portable Missile Launcher.
  • rps 6 rocket launcher

  • Material: Carbon Fiber, Rocket Components, Durasteel, Depleted Baradium (HEAT munitions).
  • Affiliation: Crossroads Republic Armed Forces.
  • Intent: Create a primary anti-armor and anti-structure man-portable weapon for the Crossroads Republic Armed Forces.

  • Rps 6 rocket launcher